Congratulations on your decision to receive Jesus or to be filled with Holy Spirit.
Your decision has put you on the course for a new beginning in every area of your life. Becoming apart of the Kingdom of God sets you and I apart from the world and brings us into relationship with God.
In this new relationship God adopts us as sons and embraces the role of father in our lives. With God as our Father he becomes our source and provider of all that we will ever need. Through the ministry of Holy Spirit his assignment in our lives is to lead and empower us to live an overcoming life.
Your decision has put you on the course for a new beginning in every area of your life. Becoming apart of the Kingdom of God sets you and I apart from the world and brings us into relationship with God.
In this new relationship God adopts us as sons and embraces the role of father in our lives. With God as our Father he becomes our source and provider of all that we will ever need. Through the ministry of Holy Spirit his assignment in our lives is to lead and empower us to live an overcoming life.
The great thing about accepting Jesus Christ as Lord is that coming into relationship with Jesus is not based upon our works or labor, but it is solely based upon us simply receiving the grace of the power of the cross. Accepting Jesus brings us into the family of God and puts us on course to discover and fulfill our purpose in life.
To invite Jesus in your heart simply repeat this prayer and mean it in your heart:
Dear Heavenly Father,
I come to now and I repent of sin, transgression, and iniquity both knowingly and unknowingly. I confess with my mouth and believe in my heart that Jesus is the son of God. I believe that Jesus died and was raised from the dead that I might be justified. Today I commit my heart, my life, and my will to you. Thank you for coming into my life and saving me.
In Jesus Name
I come to now and I repent of sin, transgression, and iniquity both knowingly and unknowingly. I confess with my mouth and believe in my heart that Jesus is the son of God. I believe that Jesus died and was raised from the dead that I might be justified. Today I commit my heart, my life, and my will to you. Thank you for coming into my life and saving me.
In Jesus Name
Congratulations! If you prayed that prayer then Jesus is now the
Lord of your life.

Here are scriptural references that will give you insight into what just took place:
Romans 10:9-10, Acts 4:12, John 3:16, Romans 3:23, Romans 5:12, Ephesians 2:8, 1 John 5:10, John 10:10 , John 1:12, John 3:7
Romans 10:9-10, Acts 4:12, John 3:16, Romans 3:23, Romans 5:12, Ephesians 2:8, 1 John 5:10, John 10:10 , John 1:12, John 3:7
Now that you are a son of God by making Jesus your Lord, you now have access to receive the precious gift of Holy Spirit. It is Gods desire for all believers to be filled with the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in other tongues. There is a difference between being born of Gods spirit and being filled with Gods Spirit. To be born of Gods Spirit is for salvation, but to be filled with Gods spirit is for divine power in your life.
The ministry of Holy Spirit has the assignment to come alongside of us and aid us in our walk with Jesus. In order to walk as a disciple who looks, loves, and lives like Jesus we need the assistance of the Holy Spirit who dwells in us to assist us. As we pray in other tongues we edify and or build ourselves up spiritually all while praying the perfect will of the father. Praying in other tongues is when your spirit prays directly to God without an interference from your mind.
The ministry of Holy Spirit has the assignment to come alongside of us and aid us in our walk with Jesus. In order to walk as a disciple who looks, loves, and lives like Jesus we need the assistance of the Holy Spirit who dwells in us to assist us. As we pray in other tongues we edify and or build ourselves up spiritually all while praying the perfect will of the father. Praying in other tongues is when your spirit prays directly to God without an interference from your mind.
To receive Holy Spirit simply pray this prayer:
Dear Heavenly Father,
You said in your word that all who ask for the gift of the Holy Spirit would receive (Luke 11:10). I release my faith and I ask you today, to fill me with your precious holy spirit with the evidence of speaking in other tongues so that I may better know you. I receive him now and I believe by faith that I will release my heavenly language as you spirit gives me the utterance. Thank you for filling me with your precious Holy Spirit!
In Jesus Name,
You said in your word that all who ask for the gift of the Holy Spirit would receive (Luke 11:10). I release my faith and I ask you today, to fill me with your precious holy spirit with the evidence of speaking in other tongues so that I may better know you. I receive him now and I believe by faith that I will release my heavenly language as you spirit gives me the utterance. Thank you for filling me with your precious Holy Spirit!
In Jesus Name,
If you prayed that prayer, then I want you to take a deep breath and open your mouth and release whatever comes out and allow the breath of God to flow out of you!
Congratulations! If you prayed that prayer you are now filled with the holy spirit with the evidence of speaking in other tongues. Don't worry about how you may sound, remember, its your spirit praying to God, not your head.

Here are scriptural references that will give you insight into what just took place:
1 Timothy 2:4, Acts 10:44-46, Acts 19:6, Acts 1:4-8, John 7:38, John 1:12, Acts 2:4, John 14:16-17, Jude 20, Luke 11:9-13, 1 Cor. 14:28, Isaiah 28:11-12, Romans 8:26-27
1 Timothy 2:4, Acts 10:44-46, Acts 19:6, Acts 1:4-8, John 7:38, John 1:12, Acts 2:4, John 14:16-17, Jude 20, Luke 11:9-13, 1 Cor. 14:28, Isaiah 28:11-12, Romans 8:26-27
Water Baptism
Now that you are a part of the body of Christ we invite you to experience water baptism. Making the decision to be water baptized is an open testament to your new conversion and relationship with Christ.
To be water baptized simply register below and we will contact you with our next baptism date.
To be water baptized simply register below and we will contact you with our next baptism date.
Here are scriptural references for baptism:
Romans 6:4, Acts 10:44-48
Romans 6:4, Acts 10:44-48

It is the heartbeat of Jesus for believers to become disciples. The great commission found in Mark 16:15 gave the assignment to go into all the world and make disciples.
It is possible to be a part of the body of Christ but not be a disciple. Its possible to be called and active in ministry but not be a disciple. Disciples aren't a byproduct of gifts but they are men and women who laid their lives down to be made. Our goal as a church is to build and make disciples who look, love and live like Jesus.
It is possible to be a part of the body of Christ but not be a disciple. Its possible to be called and active in ministry but not be a disciple. Disciples aren't a byproduct of gifts but they are men and women who laid their lives down to be made. Our goal as a church is to build and make disciples who look, love and live like Jesus.
Here are scriptural references for discipleship:
Mark 16:15
Mark 16:15
Discipleship classes are held Sunday mornings at 8:30am